Transnational Law Enforcement

Transnational organized crime (TOC) poses a significant threat to national and international security and has a disastrous impact on public safety, economic stability and democratic institutions across the world. Organized crime networks are growing and diversifying their illicit activity involvement, creating more complex issues and a convergence of threats that have potentially destabilizing effects. RAI promotes capacity building programs that focus on developing the technical and soft skills of law enforcement, justice sector officials and private sector professionals to counter the operations of criminal organizations. We promote partnerships between various national judicial and law enforcement entities and between the public and private sectors is crucial to form a collaborative approach to dealing with transnational law enforcement.

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in Persons

Trafficking in persons (TIP), otherwise known as human trafficking, refers to activities wherein a person is obtained or held in compelled service, such as slavery, debt bondage, involuntary servitude and forced labor. Traffickers specifically target the trafficked person as an object of criminal exploitation, often for sexual exploitation or labor exploitation, and the victims usually get trapped in cycles of physical and emotional abuse.

Drug Trafficking

Illicit drugs remain a serious threat to the safety, security health and financial wellbeing of many populations globally. The global demand for illicit drugs fuels the violence and power of transnational criminal organizations. The expansion of drug trafficking networks often accompanies dramatic increases in local crime and corruption. These organizations use violence with impunity to consolidate their influence and market share, protect their operations and logistics networks, and expand their reach.

Training and Workshop Facilitation

Illicit drugs remain a serious threat to the safety, security health and financial wellbeing of many populations globally. The global demand for illicit drugs fuels the violence and power of transnational criminal organizations. The expansion of drug trafficking networks often accompanies dramatic increases in local crime and corruption. These organizations use violence with impunity to consolidate their influence and market share, protect their operations and logistics networks, and expand their reach.

Wildlife Trafficking & Poaching

It is crucial to protect natural environments and the creatures that live in them. The illegal wildlife trade turns over between $7 billion and $23 billion every year. Poachers kill thousands of endangered animals every day, contributing to the extinction of thousands of species each year. RAI promotes the protection of the world’s natural resources and wildlife.

Financial Crimes

Financial crimes fund violent, destructive illegal activities like terrorism, drug trafficking and human trafficking. They are the resources feeding the harm and devastation that is caused by substance abuse, slavery and terror attacks. Unfortunately, financial crimes aren’t only committed by illicit organizations. Corrupt government officials and commercial company employees also commit financial crimes to accumulate personal wealth. Uncovering financial crimes removes funding from illicit activities and prevents criminals from profiting from them, and also exposes these activities and provides evidence for effective prosecution, in turn, discouraging such activity and returning resources to their rightful owners.
